The Electoral Commission was never informed about the missing money

May 2, 2010 at 7:19 pm

“your allegation of a missing sum of money. This was not raised at the time nor was it part of the case review conducted by the Electoral Commission. Any allegation of theft would be a matter for the Police. The Electoral Commission takes seriously all allegations of financial impropriety in respect of PPERA seriously” [Note I never made any allegation, only forwarded copies of prior allegations made by the former Chairman]

Mr Max Harding Data Officer

 City of Plymouth Liberal Democrats

22 January 2010 Our


Dear Mr Harding,

City of Plymouth Liberal Democrats.

I am writing in response to your letter of 17 January 2010 on behalf of Peter Wardle, Chief Executive of the Electoral Commission. The issues you raise in regards to Dr Judy Evans, the EARS data, and alleged breaches of the Data Protection Act 1998 are outside of the remit of the Electoral Commission. The Electoral Commission only has jurisdiction in respect of the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000 (PPERA). To be clear, we are only empowered to look into matters that fall within the scope of the regulatory framework within PPERA. The above also applies to your allegation of a missing sum of money. This was not raised at the time nor was it part of the case review conducted by the Electoral Commission. Any allegation of theft would be a matter for the Police. The Electoral Commission takes seriously all allegations of financial impropriety in respect of PPERA seriously. A thorough review was conducted into the financial management of the City of Plymouth Liberal Democrats for the period of 2007 to 2008 during which time a number of people held the post of treasurer. Relevant Party Officers were informed of the conclusions of the review.

We now consider this matter closed

Yours sincerely

Eleanor Pearch

Enforcement Team Case Worker

Party and Election Finance

020 7271 0581

The Electoral Commission Trevelyan House Great Peter Street London SW1P2HW Tel 020 7271 0500 Fax 020 7271 0505

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Information Commissioner’s letter to me (22nd April 2010 ) Kay Friend of the Regional Lib Dems suspends me on a trumped up charge and only tells me when the membership officer asks her


May 2010

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